Melvin and Lars we salute you!
bezig met laden...
We are happy to announce that we signed two new fresh talented surfers to join the Protest All Star team. Protest is gathering some of the finest; German surfer Melvin Lipke and Belgian surfer Lars Musschoot, they both signed a two-year deal, with intentions for a long, exciting and progressive partnership. They will join their fellow team mates
Melvin Lipke is following the footsteps of his older brother Marlon Lipke. He is only 21 years old and has big ambitions and great potential seeing his brother is also a pro surfer. Melvin was born in Germany but on an early age he and his family moved to Portugal were they started a surf-school, which is now one of Europe's best and known surf-schools around. He gets a lot of help from his brother and father, which helps him in making wise decisions and feedback concerning surf technique. Melvin is focusing on a couple of WQS competitions but is also eager to get more and better shots and perhaps a sick film part in the future.
Lars Musschoot is a known name in the Benelux and has been part of the Belgian and Dutch surf scene for a while. Lars, 21 years of age is aiming high, he was part of the first Belgian Surf movie ever called 'Awesome Freedom Threesome', which was a great success and even shown in the Belgian cinema's. His schedule is to surf as many WQS competitions as possible, together with his team buddy's Yannick, Melvin and Christian, he will be travelling of to most of the WQS competitions in Europe and BPSA competitions. His goal is to get a high WQS ranking as possible and set goals from there on.
Just after signing his 2 year deal he got flown into California to get some shots for next years summer catalogue and surf film, stay tuned for this one, your bound to hear more of him..