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GDS - International Event for Shoes & Accessories

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GLOBAL SHOES - leading trade show for sourcing  13 to 15 March 2009 Importance of GDS as Order-Triggering Platform confirmed

+ 61% of trade visitors place orders, 14% instantly

+ Great visitor interest in many halls

+ Forthcoming GDS at previous year's level

The efforts of the past few months have paid off: the new concepts implemented for GDS - International Event for Shoes & Accessories and GLOBAL SHOES - leading trade show for sourcing in September were well received. Visitors and exhibitors rated the new structure of the two Düsseldorf shoe trade fairs positively. The results of a representative customer survey now prove the importance of GDS as an order-triggering platform for retail. The new segment structure along with the lifestyle worlds developing from this meet visitors' varied order and information needs.

"Despite the current economic climate this September's GDS was able to hold its own. It is very pleasing to see the positive feedback from the sector in response to the new concepts. We intend to continue working to improve the range segments. For this reason we are looking ahead to the forthcoming events with optimism," explains Kirstin Deutelmoser, Director of GDS and GLOBAL SHOES. From 13 to 15 March 2009 GDS and GLOBAL SHOES will kick off the next order season at the Düsseldorf exhibition centre. With approx. 800 international exhibitors expected and some 2,000 collections it is anticipated that GDS will be able to maintain its previous level. GLOBAL SHOES with some 400 exhibitors will post slightly lower numbers due to the current economic developments in key exhibitor countries.

One of the highlights at the next GDS is the 10th edition of design attack. Under the new motto "Queen Alpin" this platform for design newcomers with trendy lifestyle collections stages London as a sophisticated ski resort in the Alps. This crazy combination reflects globalised youth culture and combines the latest winter trends in the heart of a mountain landscape with the skyline of the British capital: Big Ben and the Union Jack feature here on a glacier. The theme reflects the fascinating contrasts of the metropolises: London thrives on the friction between tradition and modernity, the royals and the flamboyant club scene. Music and fashion trends are born here.

All activities relating to GDS and GLOBAL SHOES as well as exhibitor contact data and collection descriptions can be found on the Internet at:

