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GO Fashion Fair presents their revolutionary new trade fair concept!

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The GO Fashion Team is happy to announce that the GO Fair will be held again on the 13th and

The GO Fashion Team is happy to announce that the GO Fair will be held again on the 13th and 14th of July 2014.

Free of charge for professionals, free parking, free shuttle to Modefabriek and free ferry back and forth to Amsterdam Centraal. 100x international eco brands.

During the GO Fashion Fair we will launch our new trade fair concept for January 2015, a REVOLUTIONARY NEW CONCEPT. Sustainable fashion has never been so interesting…

- Visitors buy a GOlden badge for 100 euro per company

- 7,5% DISCOUNT for buyers on orders they write on the fair

- Participation for brands is totally FREE of charge

Don’t miss out our on the Press Conference

Sunday 13th - Monday 14th at 13.00 Kromhouthal Amsterdam If you wish to join the presentation, please send an email to: sylvie@greenorangefashion.com

Companies that register for the GOlden badge during the GO Fashion Fair on the 13th or 14th of Juli will get a 50% discount on the badge.

Location: Kromhouthal
Gedempt Hamerkanaal 231
1021 KP Amsterdam

Opening times
Sunday 13 Juli: 10:00-18:00
Monday 14 Juli: 10:00-17:00

Green Orange Fashion & GO Fashion Fair www.greenorangefashion.com
+31 (0)20-7757718