Happy Connected
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On Thursday June 10 2010, WdKA’s Fashion Design presents its Fashion Show ‘HAPPY CONNECTED’
at the Schiecentrale in Rotterdam. It is the first of many events of our graduation festival (check www.wdka.nl), in which graduates of all our bachelor and master courses present their work.The catwalk will feature a parade of fifteen fashion collections of the graduates of the Class of 2010, plus a selection of designs by students of the first three years. ‘HAPPY CONNECTED’ stands for a contemporary use of materials, revaluation of wearability and young inspiring fashion designers. Three editions: 16.00, 19.00 and 21.00 hrs. Hall opens 15 minutes in advance. Tickets (€15) can be ordered through www.wdka.nl. You can print the ticket yourself.
Fashion Show Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University Media Art Design Education June 10 2010. Schiecentrale, Sint Jobsweg 116, 3024 EA Rotterdam.