New brands and new talents at VISION
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VISION is excited to present more than 40 new brands and 25 new
With more than 350 brands exhibiting at Lokomotivværkstedet, VISION is exited to welcome you to SS14 to a strong mix of new and established brands. We are proud to present new brands at Lokomotivværkstedet including David Andersen, Elise Gug, Munthe plus Simonsen, InWear and Whiite, the Polish high end designer Lukasz Jemiol, German Annette Gørtz, Italian Twin Set, the Portuguese White Tent, Swedish Twist & Tango, Norwegian Line of Oslo and Soul Made from the Faroe Islands.To check out the new talent, VISION is the place to be. More than 25 designers have been handpicked to exhibit in our DAWN area that is specifically dedicated to promoting new and upcoming talent. VISION is proud to set the scene for the many new talents and designers during the Danish fashion week and to support creativity and talent with the Designers’ Nest Show & Award Friday 9th of August at 3 PM.
There are many new exciting brands at VISION with strong design to the quality conscious woman who has an active lifestyle and who want 'value for money'. VISION Introduces The Original Group and 35 MM Clothing
Casual clothing with graphic lines
The up-coming Los Angeles based brand 35 MM Clothing that is inspired by the Scandinavian culture and lifestyle, will be launched in Scandinavia in August. Pia Bargholtz-Scheutz, the agent in Scandinavia, has high expectations for the brand that offers a full line to both men and women."It is very Scandinavian in its expression. Casual, soft and comfortable jersey and cotton, and it´s in an incredibly chic design with some raw detail and quality that is really cool, "she says.
There are two graphic designers behind the brand and it´s evident especially at the prints and the graphic lines.
Lou & Löwe launched at VISION
Nanna Löwe has chosen VISION to present the new brand Lou & Löwe, who will be the first Danish brand that 100 per cent focuses on ready-to-wear couture dresses that price-wise fit most women. The ambition is to be a leader in Scandinavian dress brands.The creators of the brand, Louise Enemark and Nanna Lowe will make it easier for women to find the right dress for the right price. Their focus will be especially on the fit, draping and cut with built corsages so that every woman will feel that the dress is like made for her.
Remember to pre-register no later than August 7th on
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