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Victoria Beckham Denim appoints Fourtosix

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Following the announcement that Victoria Beckham's

eponymous clothing and accessories label has taken control of its denim design and production, the brand has brought sales agency FourToSix, which is affiliated to global distributor Indigofera, on board to implement sales for Victoria Beckham denim in the Benelux region. All operations of the denim label are now centralised into the brand's London headquarters.

Launched in 2003 , FourToSix has extensive experience in strategically launching and building premium brands to Benelux market, working with showrooms in Amsterdam, with its brands represented in some of the leading stores in the territory. The Amsterdam-based company will launch the campaign selling the SS10 pre collection, available for Christmas delivery, alongside the mainline SS10 collection.

This appointment brings the denim sales strategy in line with the dress campaign and is part of the consolidation of the Victoria Beckham brand that sees the different arms of the label now coming together in a natural synergy. The brand continues to grow, developing the denim team and expanding its Battersea offices to accommodate the new infrastructure.